
邓波儿的第一任校长, 拉塞尔·康威尔, 是格雷斯浸信会的牧师和天普学院的创始人. The temporary 校董会 elected him president of the 教师 October 14, 1887, 他的任期到12月6日, 1925, 他的死亡日期. 读一读他著名的“钻石庄园”演讲.

这一页摘自詹姆斯·希尔蒂. PG电子试玩平台: 125 Years of Service to Philadelphia, the Nation, and the World. 费城:PG电子试玩平台出版社,2010. 3-5页,7页,9页,11页,13页,17页,18页,25页,45页.

Photograph courtesy of 康威尔ana-Templana Collection: University Archives

Temple’s founding was principally the work of one man—not a captain of industry, 而是博学的船长, 一个教育企业家,他寻求民主化, 丰富和扩大高等教育的覆盖面.

罗素Herman 康威尔’s life story and his aspirations for PG电子试玩平台 resonate with the personal life narratives of PG电子试玩平台’s students, 教师, 教职员及校友. 他和我们大家都有联系. 作为演员,康威尔扮演了许多角色, 表演者, 杰出的演说家, 记者兼编辑, 律师, 部长, 教育家, 房地产投机商, 启动子, PG电子试玩平台的企业家和创始人.

2月15日出生, 1843, 拉塞尔·康威尔 was reared on a 350-acre hardscrabble subsistence farm in the Berkshires in western 质量achusetts, 南沃辛顿附近, 离韦斯特菲尔德大约15英里, 质量.

康威尔 left home in 1861 to enroll at Yale University, where he planned to study law. To earn money for tuition he worked several jobs near campus but apparently spent only a few months actually enrolled in classes.

内战爆发时, 康韦尔回到了马萨诸塞州, 在那里他证明了自己是一个很有说服力的联盟成员, giving rousing patriotic speeches that made young men enlist on the spot. 招募了一整个公司的志愿者, 虽然只有19岁, 他被选为队长。, 公司F, 马萨诸塞州第46志愿军. 1863年7月,F连在看到轻微的行动后被调离. 康威尔 re-enlisted in August and was commissioned captain of Company D, 第二个团, 马萨诸塞重炮.

回家, 康韦尔和一位当地律师一起研读法律, entered law school at the University of Albany and earned a bachelor of laws in the spring of 1865.

1876年,他正式投身牧师工作, becoming the full-time pastor of a frail Baptist church in Lexington, 质量.立即使其复苏,并使其在财务上站稳脚跟. 康韦尔于1879年在牛顿神学院被正式任命为牧师.

In November 1882 拉塞尔·康威尔 accepted the pastorate of the Grace Baptist Church in Philadelphia and moved his family into the parsonage at 2004 N. 公园大街. 康威尔的能源, organizational skills and gifted oratory attracted many new parishioners, and soon there was not enough room to accommodate all who wished to worship at the church and to listen to the brilliant, 娱乐和激励牧师. He had barely arrived before the parishioners were discussing the need to build yet another, 更大的教堂.

By the time 康威尔 arrived in Philadelphia he had gained fame as a lecturer on the Chautauqua circuit, 这是一个旅行帐篷表演,参观了美国中心地带的城镇, 音乐表演, 戏剧, 政治演说和引人入胜的演说, 比如康威尔的“钻石英亩”讲座, 一部分布道, 部分戏剧朗诵, 部分自传式叙述和总是娱乐. By 康威尔’s count he gave the speech 6,152 times, a fact included in Ripley’s Believe It or Not. 不知疲倦地传递谈话风格, 《PG电子试玩平台APP》是一个关于教育价值的道德故事, devotion to the Protestant ethic and importance of family and community service.

康威尔’s message had a larger purpose transcending contemporary wisdom. 他强调,通往个人成功的道路主要是教育. 受过教育的人, 反过来, were obligated to serve the less fortunate and to help them realize their full potential. 此外,所有人都有责任满足社会的需要. “我们必须首先知道世界需要什么,康威尔说, 然后投资自己来满足这种需求, 成功几乎是必然的.” To meet those needs 康威尔 initially used his church to reach out to all peoples of North Philadelphia—many of them poor and many of them recent immigrants—offering spiritual sustenance, 娱乐, 社会生活, 经济援助和基本生活技能的指导. Gradually he channeled his energies into meeting what he considered the foremost of those needs, 即教育.

1884年的一个周日晚上,查尔斯. Davies, a young printer, approached 康威尔 to ask for advice on preparing for the ministry. 戴维斯没有钱,也没有受过正规教育. 康威尔主动提出教他. Davies brought along one friend, then six, and 康威尔 tutored them in his study. 不久之后,这个数字增长到了40. 康威尔 found volunteer teachers and moved classes from his study into the church basement. Extensive tutorials or short courses continued until the fall of 1887, when 康威尔 announced from the pulpit the official formation of Temple College and set a formal schedule of classes.

在戴维斯准备的小册子的帮助下, word was sent throughout Center City and the working-class neighborhoods describing Grace Baptist Church and Temple College as within “easy walking distance to factories employing 30,000 workmen” and within a half hour’s ride by horse car from where “180,000名男女工人”被雇用. 第一个月就有200名准学生报名.

On May 14, 1888, Temple College was chartered and incorporated by the state. 其宗旨是“支持教育机构”, 主要是为了工人的利益.” In 1891 the charter was amended to read “primarily for the benefit of Working Men; and for men and women desirous of attending the same.大学目录上写着:“普通学费是免费的。.“此外, “no special grade of previous study is at present required for admission, 因为教师的宗旨是帮助任何有抱负的年轻人, 没有特别参考以前的研究.”

天普学院不仅仅是一个地方, more than just a gathering of teachers and students: It was a bold new idea, 转变的概念. “神庙理念”,康韦尔解释道, 是在仁爱的基础上教育男女劳动者吗, at an expense to the students just sufficient to enhance their appreciation of the advantages of the institution.”

第一届毕业典礼于1892年6月举行. Eighteen graduates of 康威尔’s class in oratory were awarded the bachelor of oratory. 获得学位的人中有四名女性. 学院还获得了授予荣誉学位的权力, 最早的接受者之一是康威尔, 谁获得了文学博士和法学博士学位.

Temple began its dramatic transformation in 1907 when it incorporated as a university and the next year when the Pennsylvania College and University Council listed Temple as one of the state’s higher-education institutions. 终于被认可为真正的高等教育机构, PG电子试玩平台开设了新课程, one heavily influenced by the burgeoning interest in formal training for the new professions, 比如教育, 商业和健康, and formal training for and licensing of the established professions of law, medicine and dentistry as the appeal of freestanding professional schools vanished.

康维尔于1925年12月6日去世. [He and his wife, Sarah] were buried with full honors in a small courtyard next to 康威尔 Hall. In 1968 the remains were quietly removed and reburied in a lovely pocket garden in the center of campus, 1967年的礼物,现在叫做创始人花园. The grave lies behind a large bust of 康威尔 sculpted by Boris Blai.

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